I will defoliate my eyes in this dark veil 100 years of Antonio Bandeira
Curated by Galciani Neves
05.28 — 07.08.2022
“I will defoliate my eyes in this dark veil: 100 years of Antonio Bandeira” brought together approximately 45 works by the artist, including black self-portraits, night landscapes, black trees, dark compositions, paintings and gestures in eclipse.
Curated by Galciani Neves, the show exhibited paintings produced between 1947 and 1967, in a non-chronological organization, seeking an aesthetic and conceptual dialogue between the canvases, as a manifestation of what the artist formulated about his experience of seeing and about what he thought and practiced as painting.
The works were arranged in nuclei constituted from a look at some pictorial questions insistent in their path of experimentation, related to chromatic composition (such as the intense presence of dark paintings, in which the color black predominates), to the titles of the works (which invite us to access the paintings) and subjects (landscapes, cities, trees).
The exhibition unveiled the artist's oeuvre and poetics, presenting works that ranged from the first figurative paintings to the large canvases of dense weaves and drips from his last years of life, inviting visitors to participate in the construction of this new look at Bandeira, one of the most important and mythical contemporary painters in Brazil.